CYStic fibrosis animation

Execution Synopsis:

We travel inside a child's body to see a surreal world. Inside tiny construction workers are helping the child’s body grow and develop. We see workers helping the bones grow, and others workers measuring space for new blood vessels.

We acknowledge that due to the child’s CF, there are construction issues in the lungs, and here we see workers are wearing protective gear and struggling to clean up and deal with a mucus build up.

Next we reveal a shocking truth. We reveal that with CF, the construction issues don’t stop in the lungs, these construction issues are having a knock on effect. These issues are affecting the child’s internal organs. We now see puzzled construction workers struggling with a faulty intestines and a defective pancreas.

Our animation concludes by highlighting that without intervention (advancing CF treatments), construction issues will continue to do further damage to internal organs and urges our parent to act now and speak to a CF specialist.

concept only

  • We needed to support the CF community by raising awareness of the urgency to treat early and slow the damage to internal organs. Our concepts needed to be compelling and unexpected to drive audience behaviour change.

  • Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a progressive disease that causes a build-up of excessive mucus in the lungs and other organs. Over time the condition slowly gets worse, with the lungs and other organs becoming increasingly damaged. Currently, about half of people with CF will not live past the age of 40. 

  • Together with a Junior Creative Copywriter, we concepted and wrote script outlines for a client pitch. We crafted approximately nine unique stories ranging from educational insight to emotive and shocking stories.

example Idea: ‘Construction Issues’

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