Using gamification blended with education and real-life case studies, this concept sought to test and up-skill HCPs knowledge on Dyslipidaemia.

  • For patients living with Dyslipidaemia, an elevation of lipids in the blood is often due to their diet and lifestyle. HCPs can try to lower the lipid levels by appropriate diagnostics, prescribing optimal medication and encouraging lifestyle changes. But if left unmanaged, lipid levels will rise and rise to dangerous levels.

  • We wanted to dramatise the rising lipid levels and highlight the urgency to lower them. Using an interactive digital experience, HCPs would learn that the most important way to lower levels is through goal attainment and intensified treatment.

  • Using a bold and beautiful 2D illustration style the visual story unfolds to present new scenarios – reflecting how levels can sky-rocket dangerously. To help their patient, the user – or HCP – must safely return the balloon to lower levels.

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